Random Solitary Thoughts

Sunday, June 17, 2001

Well, today was a tiring day... shucks... I can't think! Period. I can't think...[which to some people is actually a good thing...:D Go figure...] Been having the ability to not be able to think for the past few days... something's clogging up my mind.. dunno what... but I think something is. Anwyay today was my roomie's birthday... along with two other friends.... so Happy Birthday to all three of them!!! You know who you are.. no names here... to protect your identity and to keep the anonymity of the net... [did I spell that right?] [think I did...] Anyway today was tiring...[did I mention that before?] and the only thing I wanna do now is to sleep! Well, time to go do my daily 'thinking' ... if I'm awake enough tomorrow.. I might just add another post... but we'll see...:)


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